The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)


41 (iJI-aii 37 1H1 tVrithrrfctuli, (7) at; riijiiimvlli, Ot 7 Hhn, i (I) Hurling. Wtute, 7 tD 41. Another "First Dav To-morrow Morning at 9 Slums won mi' Htm on. unit rir.u maue mum irui.v; llill 44, 41. Court It.

1. Melbourne Cricket Club Beats KCVtO UlU'llslUiW ill, IK II II. moilim Pot mid THnrnmh. Club: MIU. Bendigo.

'umber, (4) Is; Omni, 43 12) li; UatMdo, Pennant Teams at Fort' Mel Cul lb ik-wood. Club Trophy Sn-lioii: U.iMn-li. 47 111 IS: Ktlltv. 4il (l 47: 'Ivark, 44 bourne. The chief ride ahooting event on ttatur- V2) 4fl: V.

lljvtdwm. 44 (ll-IS. It Kicl*tw: K. (iaM, 42 Kfimv, 40 4H; A. Strvetii, lit i-ii I fltl I Sfl tS 14- I'nrli-r.

Ml 1 4143. iHinlit-rufll. rooi aim rum ni.iB ilay was the meeting between M.C.C. and na.lrJ. Tn.i.hv; 47 fM Ml MrtlC Benditfo.

This is 'the firnt occasion these (i) 47; Naili. 43 (H) 1(; UiiikiMii. iu iuj i'i Ji.lm.on, 41 (4) 15; Caniflt, 43 (S ran-, two teams have tried conclusions, and the result wau awaited with interest. Both arc 41 (41 JS; llouuliioii, 4 fjj uiay (4144. IHnvll won pwl.

fittniv rt 4S fTl 41. 'MHv'ioa, powerful shooting combinations and have UGHTINGfJP TIMES. Monday, 6th June 5.8 p.m. Tuesday, 7th June 5.8 p.m. Wednesday, 8th June 5.7 p.m.

Thursday, 9th June 5.7 p.m. Friday, 10th June 5.7 p.m. Saturday, 11th June 5.7 p.m. Sunday, 12th June 5.7 p.m. I.ampB should be lighted uot later than SO minutes after the aliove times, liiia does cot apply to podal bicycle or tu horse vehicles.

Roadside Troubles. From a recent ccosus of the fauuo of roadside troubles, including incidents, it is appurcut that still further improvements in design arc demanded if more assured reliability is to bo obtained by tUe motorist. Thuw from ignition head the list, bcitu 2ii per tol lowed by accidents, per a bad second. Then in ordur 40 (S)-(l; Kilgur, 43 (bnirl.iy, 42 been for some years, no it is surprising 47; Fittorrr, 4 ih; nuiir, imj ltriciw. 42 (3146: Sullivan, (6) 44; H.

May- that a match had not previously been arranged. Tho conditions were 12 men haw, 37 7) 44. abort pipe, leadiug from the silencer to the back of the car should bo similarly replaced. Particular attention must bo paid to in no way reduce the exit orifice of this pipe. Age Oar Tax.

It is a marked tribute to the practical character of the French nation that it should be the Gut to see the force and jtibiice of reducing the tax on a car after it had passed a certain age. Not only will this make motoring more Kpuar, but it will havo a reaction uion the quality of cars manufactured in France, still further iuereawng their already bight efficiency performance. In effect, taxation on automobiles nine years old and more will bo cut in half from next month, according to a law just put into force in France. In order to get advantage of the CO per cent, cut owners must prove that the automobile left the factory before January, 1018. This law a fleets all types of motor vehicles, other than steam.

Motor Industry Growth. -A a an indication of the huge growth of the motor industry, but especially so in the United Stale, figures just to hand show that the output of Chevrolet cars in March last reached a total of 107,000. This is at the rote of 1 ,291,800 cars of this one make of tho General Motors Corporation turned out in a year. A new one-day record was also hung up on 31st March, when rolled off the assembly lines. ciuc, all to count, seven shots each ujkiciii.

iiraonun-, it i-imui, (5) SO; Tt-riMK, 44 t0) fft; (JjnlfiH'r, 41 (4t 4S; A. lAWtfin. 4H 4.: VI Int. 3D Wood, man at each 300, oOO and 600 yards. The W) (3) 42; Vcnmii, 85 (4) itf).

cat her was tine, but a strong rear wind was at times troublesome to the coaches. Closed To-day! With the magnificently appealing profusion of attractions here presented, Myer's must win the approval of Shoppers, Tuesday at Nine (for To-day the doors are closed on ordinary business). To those who do their shopping by post our doors are never closed Send your mail orders right now Myer's guarantee satisfaction or refund money in full. Remember AH Fashions and Fabrics Freight Free from Myer's to any address for it would shift from four left to one or two right. There was little if any mirage, so the flags bad to be relied 1411 to 1611 Woollens Kxtra wide 54 in.

materials ni' siipfrior iiiulil.v, in lijiht iliul medium textures. Included two-lone Kepps. Otto-iiiiins and Maroea'ms. A clioiec ot fashionable eolors bottle, reseda, saxe, eiminnion. tun, fawn, mole, putty, beige, grey, bracken and nier.

It, will pay you handsomely lo'niake seleelions for spiliiK modes from these importations; ilyer Sal(3 Uurynins, (ilt yd. upon. The M.C.C. men took the lead ut the first range, scoring eight points more than their opponents. The best individual are back axles, 13.9 per cylinders and pistons, 8 per road wheels and score was 34 points made by L.

Arm ELLIS PUTS UP SOUTH BENDIGO RANGE RECOHD. HKNTMOO, Siitlirdny. Kxt-i-t'titmully line marks-nmusliip vas a toatiire ot tii-Waj'a mhm.iI al South ilcndiKO Kveii fhoti. ovvr 3iW, SfW and 60il yaids. S.

C. Kill" with 34, 38. H'l. out ol HVt. ie jrlslon-d tin: record score on tho nmK, and fiily one lisa I ban hU IWJ trilo Ki.ll'if Wiiliaiuotown.

V. Spem't-r wan M'cond with in id Thf b-6t tcorv wi'rc: S. V. Kills, A. fl.

aa, 32 (7) luAi A. J. llot-kinc 32. 34. XI i) T.

Hi -We, 32, 33 (til W. J-uck. 32 (101 F. Hl-ClirtT, 31, (3 UM; C. Miklirjif.

32. 3.1, Sll (il) 1IM; 1). Pullin, 31. 3-1 (f.i.o) HKlU; mU'a-itn 33. M.

'iS (f 103; H. Templet Oil. 30, 32, 32 W2 F. Ilavrrflcld. XI, 31 (7) 102; It.

(filoiiohoo, 211, 32. 20 (K)'jl UtO''I It. 2t. X4, 2H 100. The irluli'tt ttant of Iwvtvii fchiwlTS w-orod strong (M.C.C): he got an inner for his lira snot.

At yards improved hiwpcosion, 6 per couplings, univer eel joints and propeller shafts, 4.G per transmission and brakes, 4.5 per and front axles and steering, 4.1 mcir position tint um- 1iv-f unm 1'ine, values. 11,1, 611 the scores being M.C.C. 38S, Ucndigo mar. rjnico anart (Ai.i .1 Pr cent. An analysis shows that during nii J.

Carwardiue nnd A. Hush (Bendigo) Kored the possible. With a leeway of pointi to make up the llendko men had to fisht hard at 600 yards if the.v were to win the match. M.C.C, bowovrr. wero at the top of their form at that ranee and Scored the same total as at the past three years there has been, an improvement in freedom from breakdown from oarbu ration, lubrication, (rear box, brakes, differential and road wheel and ituspension.

On the other band, there wz, 967 It 72, and civutt-d aautlicr range 1411 Bordellas and Kashettes go for. 146 to 21 yd. Dress Materials go for has been an increase of trouble from cy re co in. BALLARAT CLUB. B.VLLAHAT, Kiturday.

Th Citizens' Doronc? Clul) tired over 300 mid 500 -ardn rancr tti-dy for the caplaln'a (Mr. Q. Purrell'i) trophy. K. Duntn Mini tin? event, with the two invcrp- -lina tinln.r 1' 01.0.

till II nilft II. 500 yards, 388. H. R. Fraser registered the possible, and four pthera scored GEEL0NG MOTOR SHOW.

poinis eacn, 1110 wnoie siae averamnfi linders and pistons, water circulation, valves and accidents. Undoubtedly the inercuhc of mech.tuf- over sz nuintB ner man. whu-n. consider Supremely iippcnliiift woavcH foi toath nnd froj. liariiiK distinctive border jintti'intJ on groundi carniiiel, fawn, beine, niitural, niut.

brurkeu, tliyst, putty, reseda, prey and bow il row. fabrivti; kci them without dt-hiy. L'suaily Hll ta rd; Myer Sale Uaiainicd at 10,11. Tiildefiil of M-im-li imooilatioiiti. eompriHin diee-eheck C'oatinit Velours, Tweedn nnd Over chi't-ked Duvctyiifl, in suitable texlmcri and ntylet lor contH, froi'ks niut skirls.

The balance of lnvvinuuly priced at from 14 0 to 21 yard; Myer Sale IWgamiscd at 0. II. ing the conditions, was good shooting. Bendigo shot consistently and scored 370 Atrolt rcH-rllvi-ly. The" shoot oil tor tbe monthly accttiiate rrmillt'd in it Ho betwei-n E.

Mullard cat troubles may bo laid at the door points, which was a good score. the mutch resulted in a win for M.C.C. bv of vast quantity production and on the part of motorists themselves Printed Silks at Half Price and r. Chibiwll, the latter ai-orintf a ttvv-bul. poMiblf at the mnce.

leading scores werr: H. Iiiinuan. 47, 47 C. 45, 4M (31 i7; K. Milliard, 47 (ft)97; I).

4" 41) fftl IW: II. Cani.ioii. 41 (71 II. .31 points. Tod score lor the day wm LATEST MODELS ON VIEW.

MORE CARS, BETTER ROADS. h. Armstrong with the fine ti cures oi 34, 34, 33101. His was the only cen At-ott, S2. Ml (13) E.

Cumeron, 44. 4 (4V- tury, the next best being V. J. Larwar f)l; L. nran, 45, 3S (IB) 04: h.

Ontertadt, 41 01: S. nnhinson. 40. 43 (1 Sit: .1, 35, 3109. Detailed dine (Bendigo), 33, GEELONG.

Suudny. Oraanised bv the 1611 to 396 yd. French Novelty Silks--0ddments--Sale Priced at scores were: Tfilnib, 31, S4 (13)-S1; 1. O'Connor, 30, 8b (18) Ucolong section of the Victoria it Auto mobile Chamber of Commerce, the first Geelong motor show was opened on Satur RACING AT MOTORDROME. day evening m.

one of the large wool moil showrooms at tho tlorcs of Messrs. Tableful of Oddments in exelusivo. weaves-for evcnini brides' and bridesnmids' frocks and theatrical costumes. Included are Tinsel Gmr. H.

McKAY WINS Dennys, Lascelles Ltd. The Corio-street approach to the show was illuminated DERBY. THIELE about, Border Tinsel (jetlc, Jlalelasse, liiberty Crepe, Tinsel Uroeade, 1'eUtn ilnrn Llama, Hand Painted Crepe il Chine, e. All in. to 4 R.

H1PWELL AND SCORE. 1U m. wide. Usuallr with festoons of colored electric lights, and the scene within the buildine was a All oddmonts in I'tiutfit Silkf, mich uh me for iIii'shoh, kimonos, liniiifru, cushion covers ant other urnifiliiuM, which wore part of fill selections, have been Kioupeil ax Sale JJnvKiiiiiM nt yd. Included nre SlmntungH, Fujin, 'I'oile de Soic mid Stanloy.

it both lifilit and dark color hhIipiiiph. See the.e (splendid weaves curly Tuesday for selling. Ho Mvift 26 yd. Japanese Silks, 11' I'uie weavet. '21 inches wide in ovi uood shades.

See them for lamp sh*tden, iiirp. art needle work and soft fiivnifilimnri. ally '20 available as -Slyer Sale Uaigaitn? ilVa yard. 1611, 21 and yard; Jlyer Snlo Bargains, 81.1. Alter a succession of postponements bronijiit brilliant one.

lucre were about 50 btands occupied by the latest models of motor M.C.C. soti noo rno l'Ui. Yda., Total. Armstrong 31 KM T.

lliirtin 32 il4 32 lix S. Edwards aJ 31 tw II. Fraicr 32 3D 117 J. T. Hanies 32 30 in; J.

Lemuel 32 31 ir. B. MiHedao 31 3 31 D. McClune 2S aj 31 H3 D. It.

Daries Lfl 30 31 H.H U. Milne ail 33 II" W. Thomiinn 33 S3 '7 P3 I. W. 27 33 32 92 30S 3S8 SSS" 1144 r.KXDIGO.

W. J. S3 SS 31 nn a. B'wh art E. firoham 30 It Bain 32 31 3d lit; V.

Witlstfbkba an 32 31 97. A. Kock as 32 2i 4 J. Mi-KIo 27 31 32 1H IL McLeod an lit 00 J. Jnnuinctou 20 32 an Hit II, Held 30 Si) P.

fSariie fill 31 2S R(l J. oldwor(b 27 2U 32 S7 000 S83 370 1113 296 Chenille Georgettes, 1411 14 Striped Winceyettes, 9JA about by U10 untatisfactory state ot Hie wea-thcr, Melbourne Ciiniivals Ltd. closed the sea-Mm at the Motordrome on Saturday uftcr.noon ir conveyances, including passenger cart, commercial vehicles and motor cycled. 1. i0 FasciniitniR Chciiilln nn afi- llnirtain hihlr ol Wiir-i Illeaallt weather mndftions.

Tho principal lioiiJaltlc. lull-lHuIn-tl Moiivps. paltcnii'd wiilnl. ana tnerc was also the first motor car in event was the grand final of tho World's Mot troduced to Geelong a locomobile pur i-txuitu tu'MKii. wnvfii cm main l'suaily 14'- yanls; a( Salo, Drrfs Sntion.

l- fioiimrnt oi ctlcctivo iipiiR mill mnlti-iroloi. ii- iust right for ttridyo Coats. SlmwU jiihI Kwumi: VJowiih. 30-im-li we.ivo. Usiiutly luitvd sit yiild; Myor Bale Ilargnit's, IUST I'LOOR MYBR SKW STORE.

Cycling Derby for machines or under 400 cubic centimetres oiicinc capacity. Tiro Derby was chased by the late II. Lascelles. who eventually sold it to the lute Chas. Smith, of tho Clyde works.

It ie still in the pos- held over several distances, the llnaHM ngtin: Ii. (Jougli nnd II. MiKity, wti treated the onlookers lo tsomp aensutional racing-. Prior to the start, the riders were filmed, A. Karuskk, the wresiler, hold Ins the riders for tiie occasion.

H. McKav lid by three Icnptlm from a Hyini Flannels and Damasks! To-dai Ccndiiro will fire a matcli fizalnst Mel Blankets, Sheetings, eUirt, and a Him I burst of speed took htm noine to victory amidct tlin greatect of iipijlause. II. MeKav pule in a very Btiisat iomil manner, mid ti.ivirrl thf- ton a mod dial. wliicll bourne Blflt Club oivr the name dUt.inces soKaion of.tiio bmith iamily.

In addition to tho stands displaying motor vehicles, there were others occupied by all kind of motor vehicle accessories. The great iuterest manifested in the show by those associated with the trade accounted for the presence of visitors from other parts Other cluba tired at the short and middle dis tances. Metbourno had a match against Caul-tield over 300 awl 600 which they won by cither neglecting to look after a new car, or to over-driving. With the rush those days to turn out quantity, cheapness of production, so that cars may be sold at fierce competitive prices has beeh carried to cxccbs, thus tho inevitable reaction, in the form of lessened reliability, rears its head. Already in America some of the factories recognise this fact, and have raised their prices to provide for better-class material and supervision.

With regard to motorists, it seems well nigh impossible to get the majority of new drivers to grap the fact that little, slowly and often must a new car be driven for the first 1000 miles, no matter what its first cost may be. Nothing tthort of a cinema exposition, of diameters magnified a hundredfold, showing up the tool marks on the cylinder walls like veritable volcanic ridges and the Kui'fttco*k of the piston rings like a blacksmith's rasp, will frighten these fools into sunity. Time and cost prohibit the great mass producers of cars to "bono' finish euch engine part, eo the only way is to let grind them to a glass finish, and that is why motor manufacturers ask their clicntR to drive slowly, change the oil frequently, afterwards carefully draining and cleaning the engine sump, etrainer and pump, the gear box and the differential casing. Equally important' is the litting of an air filter to the carburetter and a petrol filter in th'e filling- orifice of the fuel tank. With regard to, increase of water circulation trouble, this be in part due to the cores of present-day radiator, while presenting a great frontal, depth, having a depth- reduced out of proportion.

Quite an appreciable perccntnge of cars imported into Australia are under-cooled for our climatic conditions in Bummer, and would account for some of this trouble, Jlany British and American cam sin alike in this re-bpect. The lucres he of accidents is due undoubtedly to the great increase of moor traffic, both in the numbers of vehicles and in speed of travel. City streets, bid out. for. horded vehicles half a century ago, are proving now too cramped for self-propelled vehicles, especially of the heavy commercial class, in.

capable of the small turning radius a fnll- compelled (lough to Tide similarly to avoid a raGh matnlv throilL'h the Uitfr'a bkill Bargain Damask Table Cloths! 171 Twill Sheeting 121 Wliiw TU and coolness that the appuronlly inevitable did nut happen. It was certainly rclb'f when th- 16 points. In the toorsgray club, tno sixtceu-yoar-oJd aon of A. J. McDonald, won the pool for the best score with luuidicap.

Ilia total (03, for In. M-ri'f in. n.i.illv frr! of the State, among thjem being members ltrllaMi- Wearing "My ins. Iu widths tor aimrie, Ah Mvt-r SaK' ti.ii.illy I for Ml race was flnisht-d. althomrli both rulers wiiuiii their own knowledge wore travelling with a ot the Melbourne executive of the Vie 500 and C00 yurds).

was second of all the tcort'ii off -the title. Haines won the Barnct (Jlau juarirr and dmilile for i. tot I II in. in. in.

ttf in. torian Automobile Chamber of Commerce. at in. M.n.n--i in. M.Ti-rrivd 7f) ill.

I.i-.nn St in. l.tii.n i I mi in. I.iiiiii Ij.hii.kK, iMiilh ff maririn of safely. II. McKay, who is a in r.hnrn-.

vr.m nrtwnled with the Derby lub tronhr. Tiie beat wjorea in tuc varioua M-iurh with ns'ially ynrA (O-hic-n width, iisualtv '20 yard for lllf clubs were: Members of Parliament and other repre White "My rail" Blankets 2811 All Piiw Wool White Bbitkols. ftinsly wliipvPil. I inch niiisli'd with neat sky I'luc lMr.lra. At M.ier'ti S.ik in.

1 in. Biro; umwIIv 2J(t nnir bvt 2fi 9. IW in. 72 in. nmiiillv 37U air 2'll.

in. 81 in. bIw; ns.ually for ti. Hemmed Sheets Bargainised Mver "Strung Wnivn" White 'hvill Sheet honitnid Kily" tor use. Myer Sale ut: Slu'Plf.

f'l in. 5 yds l-'R imir 70 ill. ii Ills U. imi.iI ly for il tith Yards: SLunuoo. 33 CtHJ sentative men were present by invitation.

Cup by the wreetlex, A. Kanislck. MeKay Is one of the voumiest ntdntr motor cyclists seen in Melbourne, nnd has won the solo angri-gate iO; Way, 45 (3) 60; Tyson. 39 (U SO; Legse, 40 (9) 49; Oliver, 3S (10148. One of the guests was Mr.

R. Larking, "MyraU" All-wool Flannel! inch width, usually 'jll yard lor Flannelette at Keen Sale Prices 7iI dut. yiN. t'riiini KLinm-lidtc, in SV. H'itd.

vd. While HD in Vid. vd. Whiic Itii in V.

i.d. 22ml Hattanon. larus: kah. ueynoias, motordrome chmpion-hip this nenion, in amti-lion to tho Derby, McKay rode an A.J.S. 24 of the Commonwealth oil refinery, which Cdt.

McLeod, 36; Cdt. Meldrum. 37; Lt. Flux, is at present establishing a CdL Charlesw-orth. Lt.

Edsall. 31; t'du h.p. motor cycle. ror a umi- nn ws Bint.e at tho Drome meetings. In nt enmn f.lllfl he Wld lit At- -1 Niilmul W.m, S- J'll Wliit.

21 i II Wcnti, depot at North Geelong adjacent to the pivy, finvn Uw Johnson, SO; Cdt. Bridges, SO; Cdt Uarlina, 30. Footficray. Third Stage Presidents, Trades and Pool (7 shots ut HKl snd 600 yards): A. McOon- 10d.

yd. Sttirm Klunmh-ltt IBA 60 in. it pendale. Ornish (Doujlns), durlnff the past depot of the British' Imperial Oil Co. F1.00K ild wi, oi (Hi (u; u.

jucuonnia, tz season hafl probublv won more pme money tKnr tnfnr nvrHlir lueiniT ftt tllC MotOr- Ihere was a large attendance of the gene drome. He has tiRured for the liest. part of the Joint, 33, SO (6) 69; Sykei, 32, 20 68; A. J. McDonald, 32.

2ti () 63; McKenry, 34 (61 C2: Blair. 27. 33 (0161. A. McDon ral public.

All the stands were neatly decorated and easy of access. Mr. E. Langridge, chairman of the com ald, won the pool. Mtf.

BathiHon. Practice. Annlieatioii. S06 season on scraUh in snle car and sow and is the only competitor In both these cliisaen of races at the Brome. Gouch has had three cups within hU Rrasp, and has now Hnh-ticd the Reason by bein runnT up in two of the three mittee, in introducing J.

ootomon mayor of Geelong who formally opened the show, said that the Ballarat motor show had caused the Gcelon? section of varda: Lt. Coorgc, 37: Cdt. Pullar, 36; Lt. Daver, 34; Cdl. Crawford, 34; Sgt.

Peddy, SI. Rapid: Peddv, So; Lt. George, SI; Lt, lavey, SO; Cdt. Pulla'r, 2S. finalised; it is probably on account of these pr-fnrnmw thiit he hud many Kvniiuthisem.

'Fbi! hiehet fprr-d obtained (n the Derby was in Essendon. TYophT, i snot at yarasi: the ifrft tap, wmen averan''a inne i-ki huui, vMi ooiiaU lh. record for h.n. maelliiKs. tiie Viutorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce to organise the first Geelong motor show, and to embody in it some Powell, tt); prej-.

09; Oliver, 5S; White, f7: Fletcher, 21 i Donnelly, 53; Scource, u2; FVascr, The averago speed the wholo distance was milts ht Imur. The 6ilo handicap was won in convincing style Williamstmvn. CO Vards: Wilron. 44 (ft) 19: Tuesday Strictly oi the lentures ol the ballarat and Melbourne motor shows. lie expressed trrati- Smith.

40 (8) Id Cooke. 40 (3145 Twker. 41 i by K. Thlele (-ew muwiaii ny There was some anxiety for th; wTety of ninwell and L. Jones in the final Inn of th time to -Mctsrs.

jjcjijiys, iascciics lor having granted the use of that part of ty) Mrmger. tJ tmerion. i 47; Murdoch, 19 (8147: Vi (6146; Baird, 30 t7 16; McNeill, 39 (0) fo; Rodda, 40 (5115. I side ear handicap. 1,.

Jones, who had bvn held tneir stoics tree oi coti, and it was intended hand over to that firm for dis in trtDnfirrllv hv A. Lew 19. treatetl II. 1 1U well luUwavs. uhampicnBmp.

la annm at wri arrtsl: Maconochio. 63 (6160: J. O. Pcaree, 60 Riniilnrly. ones was warned by his side car passmger of the approach of R- flipwcll, but tribution oniony the chanties it may uominute half the' profits from the show.

(S)-6S; P. PoLirce. 64 (3)-J7: l-fiithall, 61 ffiim: Wnttson. 61 (CI 67: Sarelleld. 61 (3) he iiui not come down nelow Die line 1mm1 The mayor eowrratulated -the GeHone lotk horse lorry provides.

Town planners could help not a little in seeing to it dialely, and Jtlpwoll, tiktng the chances, went branch of the V.A.C.C. on the success of 64: Bell, 31 (3) IM; Geeriiiff, 01 (S 64; Thur-low, 56 (7163. nasi, uiierwnruH nniiup in" up ot inu iracK, where he trot ti snoed wobble on. but. skiKuliv Cash at Counters Only Morning at 9 sharp! the first Geelong motor show.

It waa a very creditablo display, and he bad no Fulrflcld. iiliumiilonwip and final riuciymeni that ample vision was provided at alJ intersections. Electrical and automotive engineers have still much work ahead of righted his outtlt, for which ho was com- mended. A. Lewis and I.

Johkh were atterwards Trophy: SJodiii, 4fi, 45 (fl 99; OotH, 46. 4U (13) 99: V. Anderwn, 4S. 43 (6107: Pottit, doubt would result in an impetus to the motor business. What the auto tineri for not nllowinir rniera to mihs them.

Both have Hiiiiciueil against the decision of the 40 uenatTson, -vr. Werribee. Club Tronliv. 300 and )0 ynnls: Ladies, 20 Footwear 811 611 Silk Mixture Hose at them to place, ignition and axle shafts upon a more reliable basis. Both at relere.

ihe appeals will lie heard next lliurs- mobile had already done for Australia was wonderful. They had to thank the 45. 44 Bernhardt, 41, 4657; Atkinson. 40. 4282.

dnv evenine. R. Hinwcll i 'Dears 10 have re- gained his lou prettige. lit- wus niaking hie motor car tor the hue road between Mel inn 1A Sill an- Aflltlfial tlt MlXW wV) Pairs. OiilillPllt--Sniitrrni iin.l lino Tlnr.

tlliid tir-L appearance ut llic Uromu inu season. De bourne and Geclontf. and all the roads in i i-t naalrtt Ill present are accountable for 35 per cent, of the motorists breakdowns. Tyre Wear and Road Surfaces. Some interesting data regarding automo HOST, Willi fiinillK IIMC nrur.

nizes: with Rliulit factory lilonnshes. Usually II; I'liixliiiieut One liars, dainty Oriental Hrocmlos and prettily sluuled Kvenin Shoes; all utifthtly import ret, but not nffe-ted in ivenrhift Worth; sizes 2 tn 7. Usually 20 pair; 0 Tuesday, Ground Floor. Shoe 811. ictona were getting better because oi the increased number oi motor vehicles.

A trcmeudous number of garages bad Sunsliine. Wells Tmphv, COO rarrti: J. naildcii. 40 50; Barnelt, 12 (12) R. Waddell.

43 (in) V. Little, 44 (4) 4S; Bunnell, 42 () 48; Harper, 35 (5) 10: Pincott, 30 (10) (0. Bdmet Claw. President's and Championship, SOO and 600 yards: Haines, 47, 43 (111 PO; Ilcan, t5, 40 (14) 9U; Limmer, 44, 39 (14) 97: Saunders, 46, 39 (8) 99; Kinp, 37, 87 (17) Gil round Floor, Main Store, 23. tails WORLD'S MOTOR CYCLING DKRDY.

Seven laps (approximately miles). Grand Final. L. Gouifli (Douglas) v. II.

McKay (A.J.S.). II. McKnv (A.J.S.) 1 L. Uohjh (Douglas) 2 iojd 13 Children's 211 r.16 Metal Photo bile tyre year in relation to road surfaces Ladies 211 Felt Slippers, 111 sprung into existence, and thousands were employed as body builders, engineers, He reprctted that so much money was going to America, but hoped that the day was not far oh" when manufacturers in Ribbons, Sox Oddments 1 has recently been compiled by the engineering experiment station of the State Frames 6d. Limited Number I Knzlinh lespie, 4i, 4 (im yi: u.

jjiniCj 4.1, i.oj 01; Kitts, 49, 37 (4) 89. Hatnta won the club tronhy. If. OH? fSYmoiu 05. Wooflwjirds 92.

Ric- Won by five vardn. Time. 1.43. Average speed, w.12 m.p.b. The coiitcstants ffot sway to a flying start, H.

MeKty having lead TllOO' -l Australia would have made such progress hettl 01, J. H. Williams 91, L. Smith Muller Tahlrful I Cmy Kelt In p'Vid imortiiirnt. ot vith fnnr.v ftitchtry and filk Hoft sole.

Si.r 2 to 7: UbimUy 211: 9 VupmIuv, (Irotttid Floor, Miiin store, Jll. of three lengths, when the starter, E. Tyler, that America would be purchasing our lanirnn i nnusrt uiuy fashioned Silk Half Sox, also a ImkIi-)y Llclo iirmlp, in lradlnfT shirlis, Si'ino slichlly ttlinp snili'd. Umnlly 'Jll Hll; Tiii-wliy, Mrnund Floor, Main Slorr, 1. Vnur pairs limit, l-oiallv IW.

Xi'W Store, mi, (franc ea, u. wunanis uumi si, lujiny fil, Quinn 7) defeated Caulfield 940 Okey 92. Pavry 90, Hamilton 59, Reynolds S9, Aitkenh-'ad nrea rne gun. i. uougn a row up in two taps, but could not draw alongside owing to the swerviiur of McKnv.

Both riders rode scnsa College of Washington, U.S.A. As a result of the measurements of tyre wear made, tho conclusion is reach that if the average cost of tread rubber worn off be taken as 2, a traffic of 00, cars per day on good crushed stone highway will cost the motorists 320 in tyres per mile of goodw. The Geelong city council wub building roads to cope with tho motor traffic. Kotor car owners were paying a A5 New Type .76 Alabaster Hawkins SB, Tneadwell Uraff S3, lnskip Meliiniin SI. Dawnon 751.

Ill it niHtch over 5311 Woollen lnrcro amount in recistration ices to tiie lonally, II. McKay having an extra dah at the titart and auaiu at 11k- finish. Lap times. First hip, 11 1-fith second "Coal Buckets, 911 Photo. Frame, in eilt.

neat di'iin, lit hold Mniurc or ovtil cahlnot finished buck mid sUmd. llmiallv 1rl- ifsduv, firound Floor, Main Store, Ud. 476, 511 Sharp rJV Scissors, 211 Limited Number Fin -st itJt. Kly with slurp edmw, tut-tins out, nail and embmidiry lypef. Vsn-ully 4 t.

'11 at 11 I iiioilay, Urouiid F)o-r, Myer Main Store, at 'll. 300 and 60V) 3'ards, eleven men a side. Clocks, 311 At rort Melbourne tue tent i rouna lor wn- Hosiery at 19 naut teams competition wub rlred from OOO Country Roada Board, but they would not complain an long as they were provided with suitable roads. He referred to the lap, 14 2-itb third. 14 4-oth sec; foinlh, 14 3-5th tilth, 14 3-5 th sixth, 11 3-5tL sec.

sevciilh. 15 hec. highway per year. The cost of good Yards. Aa the irradc pennant barf been t.t th- tit(.

ilT S'iiihiI H. ft. ii. cement-concrete pavement would be 135 J00 Only Dainty CL ckn. in pink, blue, yellow, iiihmvc and tetl, willi tint did Ik, tlnirbrd black rim.

I viialh art rWr. Main Store, S'll. limit. decided, only tho urnde clnbp were ahoot-inrr. Catnbenvell registered their firt win great blessing that the motor car lmd Ax'erage speeil, 8.12? m.P.h.

Fastest lap. per mile, and for oil-treated surface in been to settlers on the land, and concluded 70 Dnn l'tr I AH hlir hi W.Milh-n llih-ry. rlhlnd ir plain, with cm-liiMid'-ii-d sill; rliw, or marlc in K.iliili artificial silk nnd wool nnd. Wiuiud Thmilly 11, 011: It Tiu- v. Ui-cniid Klcnr, Main Slurc, 1 'fl pair.

'I' limit. wi.ft m.p.h,. which ctials tno record for ma- f.r the seawn by defeating Prahran. The two bv dcelirinrr the show oucn. good condition 3S per mile per year 3.

6 Garden leaders in tno comp-Miwon. iiawinom auq rosi and Teleirraiih. maintained their nonlthin bv chines or 24 n.p. CYCLK HANDICAP. Mr.

W. Viiync. chairmen of tiie of the Victorian Automobile Chamber neatin oulh M'-loounie ana i'nrt sieuwunie The rcsulti of tlm teste on oil-trcatcd macadam are based practically upon only Sprays at 1 6 First Heat, W. Shade (70 1: K. Gihand refntettivolv.

Brunswick just defeated Riifh- of Commerce, explained the composition r7ll, 911 Skin 1 1' mond, winninpr hy one point only. Scoring ot tue cuunuor. it aimed at protecting Ladies' 456 Silk Frocks 2311 Only, Atirtoil fiylm in Ocir ilc (liim vnriuns i-olors; (ulilmrnt ot Hutin and Mnniciiii Lsii.lDy -I5H to u., Jinl Floor, Myer Main sHmit. 11.

1200 miles travel, and their probable accuracy should be considered accordingly, was unusually low. tn nest Deing ny aui-con (Richmo'ndi. Robinson (Colllngwood) and Gauntlets, 311 Tableful Odd siR nnd af every section interests, and ensuring straight dealing in every phase of the L. Kdctll (ISO vd.O. J.

Ballaii-tine T0 A. Venn (110 0. Won by two lengths. ime, 2.5 Second lh'flt. If.

Oppnmsn (40 vdO, Duffv (120 ytK), V. Ctnting (1'W 3: S. Gieenlmll (120 jdO. 4: H. J.

nn (160 6. Won by length. Time, 1.61. inm tt di-nbrllwc hT-' nateu i 11- Barilett. (Hawthorn).

Uniiy woreg were unoi 40. Th wind allowances vat led between ll A small amount of preliminary testing ivas done on the tyre wear and petrol motor trade. nau moot a scheme lor the registration of automobile engineers, and 15 rights. Scores: M-. t- in SnvHly Cufl-d Kid I Sufdc Cinnith-tii cl tlif nn-donio cp t.

Mii-i fjpc Us'i'il vnlitf 711, 8lt, 'I'lf-itny. Orniind Kloor, Main Store, H. ich. Brunswick S37 defeated Richmond 386. consumption travelling up and down hill, ti compared with level road operation, and he wao pleased to say that Geelong was leading in Victoria in that respect.

I'inai. a. vonn nio yus.i, n. r.ngen '2: S. KiocTilmH 120 8: 11.

,1. 1 Piece Ribbon Elastic 6d. Brunswick. Knyte 44, Ston 41, Clapton 42, 41 1 Ropes of Pearls at 26 '126 Luggage Svmon 42, Cibspu 39, Sadler 45, Stcvcna 42, The chambnr was also takina steps to Venn (t50 H. Opptinun (40 5.

Won bv halt a whil. Tiim. 1.57 R-6th. E. Ailums 41.

The results indicated that for both factors the average for up and down hill carnage on render legal the 'placing of petrol pumpp Richmond. went 40, Alien si, wrrimrT Glhand (set.) caught the field at a furlong to 16 Lace-edged Hankies, 6d. Limllnd nimihr-r I Ouinnrf Reilman 43, hevlllc 37, Taylor 42, Johnston 43, Alliron -17. go; no wan nssiMcu ny n. tnPrmuii.

itinauu lost his ntrans at starting, and was thus at l.imilrrl Mlinnrr of lartfc rarj.1 11 ini fiiM'l. Limih'd Quantity I Knnc t'llibd ami SI. 1 1 red Itiblxm Elni-fir, in ti vnrhty of pretty dainty Mr gutter making. IJminliy 1fi piece, of U7 In; Tuesday, tlrouud Floor, Main Store, lid ilt'(-e. Limited Lot 1 (10-ln.

Hopes of S'lHd I ni bk IVuiIm. in pink and cream, beautifully mali'hfd, in -1, ii nnd il mlUinielrt' nixn. I dually 411 0 Ttirs-iliy. Cniiind Floor, Myer Main Store, 0: 2 limb. on the Kern, propnesica uvn in rne near future it would not be necessary for Gfwlong motorists to go out of their own city to make purchases, as 75 per cent, of operation is greater than level road operation.

Minimum Speed Limit. disadvantage. CollinsEWOod 853 defeated Kilda S29. Colllngwood. J.

Mnes 40, Rohinfon 47. Sterle I. (labia 40. O. Mues 41.

E. Davidion 44, iXIu. li. nmnlne SL' Wlk If-H! I' Tn. HandLrrc-hiohi, with firm fqwn urntTP mid 4 larnr lnc corner di'f Itfim.

IViinlly prim nt lK imhIi: at ft Tuesday, arnnntl Floor, Myer MiiIii Store, Cd. motor cars sold would vc asscmDicu or manufactured in Geelomr. Motor traffic in the United States is 411, 611 Floral Hearing saturation limits, and all con di 156 Sample Hand Bags, 106 Tvzack 44, Kelly 46. 'St. Kilda.

Baj-ltjy il. Macbin 42, A. Bayly 40, Lardiicr 43, Mnrhin, con. 44. Armstrong 42, Vh Ian 3S, Nipper 39.

rBoys' 296, 336 C'Sporls Suits, 1911 A'ir. U. r. Wilson, general manager of Messrs. Dennys, Laeccllcs slated 211 Collar and Cuff Sets, 1 tions tending to disorganiso- or impede Trims at 1 I VilL- I'nl.

That it. was a pleasure 10 see again me old motor ear onee owned bv the late K. Post and Telegraph 339 defeated Port Melbourne 80S. -Pnit and Telepraoh. Willis 44.

Cooinber 44. l.M Only 1 -in S'lii-. will. MHn'ifRctnrer a Sumplc Rans i-: lyatlKr Hand In fawn. tmwn mid iMOifonp rlTeei, Inebided arc the nf oi.Kidna ntvle.

15fl: Tin flnmnd Floor, Main fltorf, J(fl. the tranpport stream of serious import. By way of insurance against hindrance from slow-moving units the highway authorities of the State of Mary vet I'ttjtW and Sinttlc IllooniB for drw nnd millinerr wenr. all wanted 011; 9 Oround Mnin Store, 1. II.

Lascelles. That gentleman bad been oi greet value to Geelong, which had made Limits) Snmbrr Swim Col iur mid C'ifl Nou, rinhrtiiifrrrd. in vbHn nnd rolurt. priced at -ll ft. Tm-Miuy at 0, (1 round Floor, Myer Whiii I piH'll Tnehi.

I-t loof, great progrefs in the last, years, jir, f.flsctillpR introduced the first motor car Bamboo land are advocating a minimum speed Grim 43, (Jarside 43, Burgess 41, Hpranill 41, Arthur 41. Pope 42. Port Melbourne. Prest 38. Anderson 89, Howard 43, Watt 44.

Gould 36, Young 34, Ilarra-dance S4, buteliflc 38. Hawthorn 332 defeated South Melbourne 804. -Men's 5H, 311 Winceyette taking the stand that the slow-running 16 lb. Wholesome Sweets, Limited OuanHly Only Malt' Baskets, 211 to Geelong; he was the first guarantor for the Geelong-Mc-lboume telephone service; the founder of the Geelong club; and he or slow-moving vehicle is responsible for Clippers, oii Bloomers, 1lli Hawthorn. Smith -41, Bartlelt 47, MrRobti I.

MeCarthv Garaett 39. Cuteai 37, Courtis numerous accidents. In consequence a bill has been introduced into tho State Legislature which provides for a minimum ion Fruit, mid fitrouuly made of Hrmvn lliimbuii Uuskctwaro, In four plenHlnn ilupep. I nn-nllv priced at. fill: at II Tnecduy, Hromid Floor, LoiKdale slreet Store, Sll.

44. Hill 43. or, (inly I i- r.f. 1VII BU I Till iMi'lly Ml. ",,7 liarl proved that tbe malice was worm saving.

At one time Mr. Lascelles held 1,000,000 acres of the malice, nnd from that lame nrea hiu produce in one year Diop" nnd Nutty Drops, pnr, wlnftlniowe nsnnlly- priced at 1'fi per nt fi TlieFtlav, Onntrft.i.inery Seitlenn, firound Floor, Main nnd New Slores, 1, Pair I Out Size Winery, eft" Hloomfrs, in piile pink, mauve, hltic. nprlcot; threadi'il with M.ronir pUnlic nt wnlsiii nnd knrrs. 1'Minl viiliir, .111 pnlr; nt 0 Tiiewlnr, Third Floor, Myer MuIp Stori. 111'.

South Melbourne. Turner 4a, jumcr aiinn 40. Alison 41, Tate 43, CoUett 83, Forrest SI, speed of 20 miles per hour on Saturdays, Johnson 40. was 600 bales of wool. Now one small FIVB-M1LE SCRATCH WHEEL RACE.

IL Oppcrnmn 1 Glband 2 W. Gurnluim 3 A. Venn 4 Won by a lentrth and a half. Time, 11.42. MOTOR PACKD RACK.

Fir-t, 7 points; second, 4 points; third, 2 points. First Heat: J. Ballantine (paced hy R. Kin-lay), XV. Smith (L.

White), 2. Won by two lengths. Time, 7 min. 38 2-Sth sec. Second Heat: W.

Smith (paced by b. Wlitej, RoBch (It. Finlav), 2. Won hv threo lengths. Time, 7 min.

2U 3-5th see. Third Heat: J. Ballantine (paced by R. Flnlay), J. Roach (1 White), 2.

Won easily. Time, 7 min. 48 3-5th sec. Aggregate Ballantine, 14 points, Smith, 11 points, K. Roach, points, 3.

SOLO HANDICAP. Six laps (2 miles 25A yard). First Heat: R. Wist (Excelsior, 2-Vt h.p.), 450 .1. Wosmll (A.J.&.

2-Ji h.p.), -100 0. Bounds (Royal Kntleld), 225 8. Won bv 250 yards. Time, 1 min. 41 sec.

Second neitt: K. Thlele (Ncvr 2). 225 1: It. Palmer (Triumph, 3i3), 450 2: K. Patterson (Chater Lea, 2i), 500 3.

Won bv 10 yards. Time, 1 min. 38 1-61 see. Third Heat: L. (lough (Douglas, 21), C.

Street (Douglas, H. Hill (A.J.S., 625 8. Won by 250 yards. Time, 1 min. 44 l-5th sec.

Final. First. 20; second, 10; third, fourth, 2. Thlele (New Imperial, 1 R. Palmer (Triumph, SVs) Goiiuh (Douglas, 1), scr.

3 R. West (Kscelsior. 2-) 4 Won by 50 yards. Time, 1 min. 88 sec ALL POYEttS S1DK CAR HANDICAP.

Viva ri.u nilln 115 vurdnl. Hundays and legal holidays, the days (V.156 hull Size fc36 Stockinette 1 4i Striped Wkceyettes, 9id. Tt-iillh WincfVotlPA. nt ntiniic wenriiii2 when traffic usually is heaviest. Under the provisions of tbe bill the speed law Footballs, Camberwell 3S0 defeated Fraliran 823.

Cumberwell. Parr 41, Dickson 10, Carncll 43, Burslein 40, Houghton 42, Johnson 41, iS, Rothsay 40. Prahran. Candy 41, Wr.ddie 48, Tanper 40, lies 39, Elvins 40, Tapper 43, Bishop 37, Parker 40. Bloomers, 261 in cities and towns where the maximum 11.1 Onlv I 111,1..

lun.l is under 20 miles would not be changed, iDiaiity. in vni ionu colored utiipe ir.sinns. iiloal lor pyiaiims. Untmlly 1 4 -t II Tiirwhiy, Cotton Diem Section, lft Floor, LonaUle-Htrcct O'tl. 1J y.tnls limit.

would appear from the conditions of centre in the malleo produced three times that amount of wool, and in addition wheat, meat and dairy produce. Referring to the motor show, he said that it would be of benefit to an important section of the commercial community in bringing before it the latest ideas in motor transport. The fundamentals of commerce were production, distribution and exchange, and transportation was a vital matter in distribution. During the evening music wai rendered Cell Wliliril '3 PRKM1F.RSHIP LIS Pair I "MyraU' Cream Stockinette llloomern, with RUMrtx, fitroiiir elnitte threading at raitx and knrn, Wmnrn's full site. Vwiallv 0 TucmIhx, Floor, Main Store, Two patrj limit.

motor traffic in our cities that we would also benefit by some such regulation. PoliitB. Total Matches. Club. Flrtd, W.

L. 111 McCall Printed Dr. II White-Ground though in our case the horsed vehicle in '-526 Baby For. Atrst. Pis.

2231.. 34 0027.. 31 3162.. 8111.. 30 Hawthorn 9 Post Tel.

0 1 Patterns 16 Oil Baize, lld. 116 Corset Oddments. 311 C'wood 0 3 6 3 troduces special complications. Exhaust Pipe Size. 110 PieccB Onlv 50-ln.

Oil oi.iv i tij Brunswick 0 ..10 4 6 Limited lot 1 Free! Cat ferny. Not. -t7(, and 472; nlno font rallernii. "Soy 137 and 47jW; in Mfjic T.t! lo 40 In. 1'snnllv 111 ncb: Tii'-sihy, Floor Rilcniiv, Jbifn Store, 1G.

5040.. 30 'M 3057.. Wi 3102.. i'5 8 4 Ffttrov ItflKc, uli', winp neat marble iWifrns In blue, erer, bliek and irold, on white 1 minllv 111 nt i TurMlav, Urotitid Floor. Lonidrfle ktrect Store, lllsd.

rrf.mi rith. uplii.l.ifrrf I.a. k- 'l liirhl-nimnr. v-r, miwl n.Hr ft "It. 3001.

2070. In the design of the ordinary medium by. el. Augustine Jana. FOUR-WHEEL BRAKE South Melb.

Talilcfiil 1 Well-known and re-Mnble inakrt, tn ariou shape and etylen, fmtMifnfr ot front or Nrki nld bIzm onlv in ern-h number. I'miallr 0 Tiiffdoy, Third Floor, Main Store, 311. powered car tho internal dimension of 5 4 6 7 UnlMB. I Tucitov, nr.l li'. Ni 1 r- I the exhaust pipe loading to tbe muffler is, 311 Millinery SI.

Kilda Richmond Port. Camberwell 3133.. 3093., 2 3023.. 8103.. 2: 3015..

3682.. 3. lor, production cost reasons, reduced to 276 Reading Lamps at 19(3 Arrangements have been made, in con 4yNapoK Silks at 1S Pint HeHt: A. Uwls (Norton, R'), 300 the minimum cross-section. Therefore junction with Lanes Motors rty.

Ltd niiir tired eoninelltlons (rora the same dis Infants' 711 Pelisses, 46 Only 1 Holt White Wn.d riiiowi any restriction in tho internal diameter, Jor a four-wheel brake demonstration to W. Bmwn (Cov. Kaglc 8), 400 w. Hownnl (Triumph, 500 H. Won hy 125 vards.

Time. 1 min. 20 Bee, Second Heat: I. tCjv. Kutrlo ttl.

fiollh (IViIllf- tance as the pennant teams. In the Coburg club Creaney won the prcildcnt'l medal and Unmet nun the Turner ttonhv. Johnatone won by accumulations of carbon from over- ion i in iv il'-l fiffl Vanh I Corder Artlticinl Silk. If In. wld-.

fur Millinery Iiiph. Hilkv miislii'il nrn-t, in aonit colon. 1 aiiallv 11 Tntmlac, (iround Floor, Soie, al 1,0. be hold in Alexandra-avenue to-morrow lft Only I with ftreen cIkm iihadea nttaehe); iwpiir' a 'very toft fitht for readlnir. trier, kc.

TV'ill aland or hang. I'mully TucmlHy. Orniind Floor, Mfrc, I'i'rt. lubrication, or faulty piston rings, tend at 1.30 and 3.30 p.m. This is in connection with the Oldsmobile "Safety First' las, 2.

Won by 250 yanla. Time. I min. 28 4-5th see. Tldrd Heat: II.

Hfpwell Pellitfoff, machine Uiittrd in fancy Rlltch. and warm for winter weir. Uvmllv prircd al 711 at 0 Tu.idoy, Fiol Flotr, Mver Main Store, at to eet up a certain amount of back Riehmond'a spoon; Blrrell (Cambcrwrll) fcored 47 (5)-0; Wheeler (Fiisro.U, (7) 50; and Bradbury (Oaklelffh), 4R (5) 50. which were 5,1, Vi. pressure, which in time fcpclls loss of power.

It would be well for the motorist the best individual enons. uciaiis: campaign. Tests will be carried out under official supervision, and invitations have been issued to bodies affiliated with 111 Tapestry lOJd. Skein Paton's Wools, Ji Ifon sv-elnn I rahni'n 4-ply Children's 311 Poulli Yarra. Spoon: Murph 80 (10) 49; 3Atta Sfi 13 Tlwimson.

38 (4142: Austin. 13 Pair Fancy Candles, 9d. when taking down the muffler for clean' Carpet, Undergarments 211 33 (7) 40: Waud. 35 (8) 83; Archibald, 3 the National Council of Safety to be present and view the demonstration. The selected locality is near the intersection itig purposes to see to it that the exhaust pipe is also thoroughly free from carbon (41-37.

Prahran. Spoon: H. J. Smith, 8 (11) SO; C. Smith, 43 (71-0.

Tilley trophy; lies, (Douglas, 3Vi), walk over. Final. First, 22 10; second, 12 10; third, fourth, 2. R. Hlpwell (Douglas, S'j).

SOO yds. 1 L. Jonen (Cov. Ragle 8), 250 yds. 2 A.

Lewis (Norton. 300 yds. 8 Gourh (Douglas. scr. ,.4 Won br a length.

Time, 1 min. 24 see. Jones led at the ltell lap. It. Hipwell, after some hesitation, took the lend at a quarter of a lap to go, and was prawed by L.

unill iIib finish. Ilinwell made a remark- I.VI Only I nrlll.ll K.m n. Super nnd llcfliive Vid. hi ro', rham Pi-iit', lawn. Jade, emerald, royal, inn.mon, and miinel; ntunlty lo'ad.

1 In ft Tuesday, tiround Floor, New Sl-rr. r.d-' Limltftl number I Dainty IV.ner in maine, pink, t1u, 'bad's iit, lrge varleiy nt nhi4- nd denlmifi. 1 mially 13 nuir; at 0 Tui-j d.iv. (Jnmnd Floor, Main Store, fld. before Teassemblement.

how of River iJank-roau and Alcxanuru- An oddment Table of Cory WlnW trndprfrnnnt-nu, romprliiinti Vin, ItliKiinera and Bodies, prierd nt a11, and 411 each; at f) Tneiulav, First Floor. Myer Main Store, al 21J. avenue. ever, if this then does not give that live Hawtliom. Prebble trophy: Bafttclt, 47 (2) ar7ll Clockwork 16 Pack Playing 511 Lamp Shade Fringe, 211 40; w.

H. tlargctt, 4K (jj 17 lAiunis, (2) 46; Trebble, 43 (2)-45; Hill. 43 (2)-45; McCarthy, 43 (2) 14. Grade: Stevens, 4'! "1-144. MOTOR TRADE DIRECTORY.

Box ot 5U rionrittel. 21 liness which he considers the engine shonld have, the fitting ot an over-size cx-h a list pipe in moBt cases improves the running conditions, especially at high Trains at 311 Cards at 9d. The 1927 edition of the Motor Trade aide save from an accident while passing Richmond. Spoon: Johnstone, 45 (6) 50; i-t I nvn Jones. BALLARAT RELIABILITY TRIAL.

"fl I'jerea I tlddltienK nt'd slightly Imperf.el Lump Shade made tip of UIiim ItrniU In ('ninbiiiMtloii and roh.rlnffs. t'snnllv fiH to Tuendny, (Irouitd Floor, Now Directory of Australia bas been published and is now on sale. The book contains 720 pages of information of value to the ft Oron Only 1 Ritn Quality rinylnif Curd Ivor)' nnd linen flnUhei, p.ieked In rtlipper enfte. t'mnillv tit. Pit (inrl 111: at Tuexdav.

firound 'Floor. speeds, and in hill climbing. The resulting exhaust note may be rather louder. mllmv -ninkr. Il.lljllj 0WJ I Only I Tlellnhle Cloeic work Trains nn Hails, cnnoKtlnv of 2 em-rlonca and tender.

An Ideal toy for bov. tua)lv 71 It at 0 Tinwlay. OmuihI Floor, Myer Sew Store, at Sll In neat box. wenlock, 42 (H) an; Alien, 41 tj-i aim-son, 47 (2) fft; Kcdmaii, 43 (6 4S; Brown, 37 (tO)-47i Oliver. SO (10) 46; Taylor, 42 (t)M; Neville, 87 (8) 45; Mowbray, 37 () tR; Orecory, 84 (9 43; C.

Gregory, 88 4142. Johnston won snoon. BALLARAT, Sunday. tinder favorable weather conditions the Ballarat Motor Cycling, Club held Its annual reliability trial ycaUnlay. Twenty Nuw Store, Od.

packa. for 2S. motor trade, included in the publication are fiO pages of tabular matter, Hiving data on cars, such as serial num but it could not be described as either offensive or illegal. It is most desirable that tbe larger sire pipe should be fitted tight the way from tho exhaust manifold to the muffler, or silencer, and that the Cohnnt. V.

Rutler trophy: Creaner, 42 (If)) 50; Body-, 4 (6147; Homel, 86 (11147. Pre riders, wlln solo mncmnra and siflo car ouiwa, competed. Tbe route covered, 204 miles, from 7d. Packet Finest Cocoa 5d. Men's 166 Tweed Trousers 10 bers, car and truck specifications, car- sident, a (Mr.

Geo. Wriirht) medal: Creanrr, hnretter data, e. Ballarat through Ascot, Lexton, Avocs, Maryborough, Dunolly to Bendigo, thence via Caith- Main's. Ualmahiirv n1 nuvlfior(l Kick tO Bah 145; Body. 144, Barker, 144.

Final, B. Tumet'a tronhv: Hnmel. 97: MeAnkll. 94: nartirr. w.

larat. The flm deiarlure was made at 8.W Port medal 1 BrUland. 48; Howard, 43 (0-47; G. AndersoV, 8S (3 KAY'S "LfKSEEO COUPOTKD" (rlth an If red, rwieR. squill, loin, Ac.) ta a reliable old Era-1lh Home Remedy for Gotiftbi nd Colrlt, Catarrh, Bromhttli.

Each dono con dins in concen p.m., riMti tnereaiter leaving at interval umn 4.41 p.m. The conditions provided for an average approaching 2S miles an hour, and the trial nnfc mun.fl hv anv untoward oeciiTTenee. iw him -3-in. ot r.niporiiim iininil rpw-iai i.mcn 3.141 l-airr. nlonrli.l wcnwnn.

PrnrcM R0I11HI0 CVkoh. Ummllj- pried 7.1. iwr nt 8 Tuwdij. in nlwlox ttrry: wll "Cri nd Carry" Floor, Lonmlnlc ntrcct Wore, IM. Unsolly 10, 0 pair; at 0 Turml.ijr, 2nd Kloor, Mm THE MYER EMPORIUM 314-336 Bourke-st, thro, toLonsdaW 2.

Thlt1. Finals Cnllen and CTavion Tronhiea: The roads generally w'ere fairly satisfactory. "RTKADFAST and Tnjf" tn wal or woe, Playing th game with friend or for; lilvins the brt where Iratt rf'ie, Cool In dnnfrer "Htadfnat and True," Thia an your lon, come what way, You'll be a winner all the war, If yon for enueha and eolda ara With WofdV Great Peppermint Cure, Woodo' Orrat Pr'T'nilnt Care, For Coufihs and Coldi, ncrcr falls. (Advt.J MseRae, 43 (6) 49; S. Way, 41 (6J-47: K.

R. W-iy, 44 (S) 46; J. Prendenrast, 86 (5 41: trate and active form 1h cinc of valuable remediM for Chcit Complaint. It lootem nhl-am and alltyi Irritation, promoting tlio oration di th respiratory ornnt to health. Orer alxtr Trophies wr provided in the various sections, inrjtidinir the Jack F.IIis memorial rup, for tV r.m-r.irmnni-n hv lUtlsrnl.

rider. The re Adams, ho () 4i; jonrey, 39 (2) 40; young, 35 (5140. Nnrtheote. Porif Cun nnd Tlnul Kd wards: yem' prove eKcacr. Kreji a bcltlo hand.

suits wfll be a non need in a few days, when the 46 (6J 60; Waters, 41 tfJ Morris, checking is complete..

The Age from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (2024)
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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.