Kendo Dropdownlist: How to Set the Selected Value (2024)

Kendo DropdownList Set Selected Value: A Comprehensive Guide

The Kendo DropdownList is a powerful and versatile widget that can be used to display a list of options to users and allow them to select one. In this comprehensive guide, we will learn how to set the selected value of a Kendo DropdownList in a variety of ways. We will also cover some common problems that you may encounter when setting the selected value, and how to solve them.

By the end of this guide, you will be a Kendo DropdownList expert, and you will be able to use it to create powerful and user-friendly interfaces in your applications.

What is the Kendo DropdownList?

The Kendo DropdownList is a widget that allows users to select one item from a list of options. It is a versatile widget that can be used in a variety of applications, such as:

  • Selecting a country from a list: The Kendo DropdownList can be used to allow users to select a country from a list of countries. This could be useful for a website that allows users to create a profile, or for an application that allows users to track their spending by country.
  • Selecting a color from a list: The Kendo DropdownList can be used to allow users to select a color from a list of colors. This could be useful for a website that allows users to customize the appearance of their website, or for an application that allows users to create a color palette.
  • Selecting a file from a list: The Kendo DropdownList can be used to allow users to select a file from a list of files. This could be useful for a website that allows users to upload files, or for an application that allows users to manage their files.

How to Set the Selected Value of a Kendo DropdownList

There are a few different ways to set the selected value of a Kendo DropdownList. The following are the three most common methods:

1. Using the `value` property: The `value` property of a Kendo DropdownList is used to store the selected value. To set the selected value, simply assign a value to the `value` property. For example:

$(“dropdownlist”).value(“United States”);

2. Using the `selectedIndex` property: The `selectedIndex` property of a Kendo DropdownList is used to store the index of the selected item. To set the selected value, simply assign an index to the `selectedIndex` property. For example:


3. Using the `select()` method: The `select()` method of a Kendo DropdownList is used to select an item from the list. To set the selected value, simply call the `select()` method with the index of the item that you want to select. For example:


Common Problems When Setting the Selected Value

There are a few common problems that you may encounter when setting the selected value of a Kendo DropdownList. The following are some of the most common problems and how to solve them:

  • The selected value is not being updated: If the selected value of the Kendo DropdownList is not being updated when you change the value, it is likely that you are not binding the Kendo DropdownList to a data source. To solve this problem, bind the Kendo DropdownList to a data source by calling the `dataSource` method. For example:

{ text: “United States”, value: “US” },
{ text: “Canada”, value: “CA” },
{ text: “Mexico”, value: “MX” }

  • The selected value is not being displayed: If the selected value of the Kendo DropdownList is not being displayed, it is likely that you are not setting the `displayMember` property. The `displayMember` property of a Kendo DropdownList is used to specify the property of the data items that should be displayed in the dropdownlist. To solve this problem, set the `displayMember` property to the name of the property that you want to display. For example:


  • The selected value is not being persisted: If the selected value of the Kendo DropdownList is not being persisted when the page is reloaded, it is likely that you are not setting the `autoBind` property. The `autoBind` property of a Kendo DropdownList is used to specify whether the Kendo DropdownList should automatically bind to the data source when the page is loaded. To


selectedIndexThe index of the selected item in the dropdownlistYou can set the selected index using the `selectedIndex` property.
valueThe value of the selected item in the dropdownlistYou can set the selected value using the `value` property.

A Kendo DropDownList is a widget that allows users to select from a list of options. The selected value of a Kendo DropDownList can be set using a variety of methods, including the `value` property, the `selectedIndex` property, the `select()` method, and the `change()` event.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList using each of these methods. We will also show you how to get the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList.

How to set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList

There are four ways to set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList:

  • Using the `value` property
  • Using the `selectedIndex` property
  • Using the `select()` method
  • Using the `change()` event

Using the `value` property

The `value` property of a Kendo DropDownList is used to set the value of the selected item. To set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList using the `value` property, you can use the following syntax:

kendoDropDownList.value = “value”;

where `kendoDropDownList` is the name of the Kendo DropDownList and `value` is the value of the selected item.

For example, the following code sets the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList to the value “Apples”:

kendoDropDownList.value = “Apples”;

Using the `selectedIndex` property

The `selectedIndex` property of a Kendo DropDownList is used to set the index of the selected item. To set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList using the `selectedIndex` property, you can use the following syntax:

kendoDropDownList.selectedIndex = index;

where `kendoDropDownList` is the name of the Kendo DropDownList and `index` is the index of the selected item.

For example, the following code sets the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList to the index 0:

kendoDropDownList.selectedIndex = 0;

Using the `select()` method

The `select()` method of a Kendo DropDownList is used to select an item. To set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList using the `select()` method, you can use the following syntax:;

where `kendoDropDownList` is the name of the Kendo DropDownList and `item` is the item to be selected.

For example, the following code sets the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList to the item with the text “Apples”:“Apples”);

Using the `change()` event

The `change()` event of a Kendo DropDownList is fired when the selected value of the Kendo DropDownList changes. To set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList using the `change()` event, you can use the following syntax:

kendoDropDownList.change(function(e) {
// Set the selected value of the Kendo DropDownList

where `kendoDropDownList` is the name of the Kendo DropDownList and `e` is the event object.

For example, the following code sets the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList to the value of the `value` property of the event object:

kendoDropDownList.change(function(e) {
kendoDropDownList.value = e.value;

How to get the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList

There are four ways to get the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList:

  • Using the `value` property
  • Using the `selectedIndex` property
  • Using the `selected` property
  • Using the `change()` event

Using the `value` property

The `value` property of a Kendo DropDownList can be used to get the value of the selected item. To get the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList using the `value` property, you can use the following syntax:


where `kendoDropDownList` is the name of the Kendo DropDownList.

For example, the following code gets the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList and prints it to the console:

var value = ke

3. How to change the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList dynamically

There are four ways to change the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList dynamically:

  • Using the `value` property
  • Using the `selectedIndex` property
  • Using the `select()` method
  • Using the `change()` event

Using the `value` property

The `value` property of a Kendo DropDownList is a string that represents the value of the selected item. To change the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList using the `value` property, you can simply assign a new value to the property. For example:


// Change the selected value to "Option 2" $("dropDownList").data("kendoDropDownList").value("2");

Using the `selectedIndex` property

The `selectedIndex` property of a Kendo DropDownList is an integer that represents the index of the selected item. To change the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList using the `selectedIndex` property, you can simply assign a new value to the property. For example:


// Change the selected value to the second item $("dropDownList").data("kendoDropDownList").selectedIndex(1);

Using the `select()` method

The `select()` method of a Kendo DropDownList allows you to select an item by its index or value. To change the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList using the `select()` method, you can simply call the method with the index or value of the item you want to select. For example:


// Change the selected value to the second item $("dropDownList").data("kendoDropDownList").select(1);

Using the `change()` event

The `change()` event of a Kendo DropDownList is fired when the selected value of the list changes. To change the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList using the `change()` event, you can simply bind an event handler to the event and set the selected value in the handler. For example:


// Bind an event handler to the change event $("dropDownList").on("change", function(e) { // Get the selected value var value = e.sender.value();

// Do something with the selected value console.log(value); });

4. Best practices for setting the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList

When setting the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList, there are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use the `value` property when you want to set the selected value programmatically. The `value` property is the most direct way to set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList. It is also the most efficient way, as it does not require any user interaction.
  • Use the `selectedIndex` property when you want to set the

    Q: How do I set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList?**

A: To set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList, you can use the `value` property. For example:


You can also set the selected value by using the `select()` method. For example:


Q: What is the difference between the `value` and `text` properties of a Kendo DropDownList?

The `value` property of a Kendo DropDownList represents the underlying value of the option that is selected. The `text` property represents the text that is displayed for the selected option.

For example, if you have a Kendo DropDownList with the following options:

  • `Option 1` (value = “1”, text = “Option 1”)
  • `Option 2` (value = “2”, text = “Option 2”)

If you set the `value` property to “2”, the second option will be selected. However, the text that is displayed in the dropdown list will still be “Option 1”.

To change the text that is displayed for the selected option, you can use the `text` property. For example:

$(“myDropDownList”).text(“Option 2”);

Q: How do I get the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList?

To get the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList, you can use the `value` property. For example:

var selectedValue = $(“myDropDownList”).value();

You can also get the selected value by using the `select()` method. For example:

var selectedValue = $(“myDropDownList”).select();

Q: How do I enable or disable the selection of a Kendo DropDownList?

To enable or disable the selection of a Kendo DropDownList, you can use the `enable()` and `disable()` methods. For example:



Q: How do I change the appearance of a Kendo DropDownList?

You can change the appearance of a Kendo DropDownList by using the following properties:

  • `width`
  • `height`
  • `cssClass`
  • `template`

For example, to change the width of a Kendo DropDownList to 200px, you can use the following code:


To change the CSS class of a Kendo DropDownList, you can use the following code:


To change the template of a Kendo DropDownList, you can use the following code:


  • = text
  • “);

    Q: How do I programmatically add or remove options from a Kendo DropDownList?

    To programmatically add or remove options from a Kendo DropDownList, you can use the following methods:

    • `add()`
    • `remove()`

    For example, to add an option to a Kendo DropDownList, you can use the following code:

    $(“myDropDownList”).add({ text: “Option 1”, value: “1” });

    To remove an option from a Kendo DropDownList, you can use the following code:


    In this blog post, we discussed how to set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList. We first covered the basics of setting the selected value, including how to set it programmatically and through the API. Then, we looked at some more advanced topics, such as how to set the selected value of a DropDownList that is bound to data and how to set the selected value of a DropDownList that is disabled. We hope that this blog post has been helpful and that you now have a better understanding of how to set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList.

    Here are some key takeaways from this blog post:

    • To set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList programmatically, you can use the `setSelectedValue()` method.
    • To set the selected value of a Kendo DropDownList through the API, you can use the `value` property.
    • To set the selected value of a DropDownList that is bound to data, you can use the `selectedIndex` property.
    • To set the selected value of a DropDownList that is disabled, you can use the `disabled` property.

    Author Profile

    Kendo Dropdownlist: How to Set the Selected Value (1)

    Marcus Greenwood
    Hatch, established in 2011 by Marcus Greenwood, has evolved significantly over the years. Marcus, a seasoned developer, brought a rich background in developing both B2B and consumer software for a diverse range of organizations, including hedge funds and web agencies.

    Originally, Hatch was designed to seamlessly merge content management with social networking. We observed that social functionalities were often an afterthought in CMS-driven websites and set out to change that. Hatch was built to be inherently social, ensuring a fully integrated experience for users.

    Now, Hatch embarks on a new chapter. While our past was rooted in bridging technical gaps and fostering open-source collaboration, our present and future are focused on unraveling mysteries and answering a myriad of questions. We have expanded our horizons to cover an extensive array of topics and inquiries, delving into the unknown and the unexplored.

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    Kendo Dropdownlist: How to Set the Selected Value (2024)
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